Maintaining Certification
Certification is valid for three years from the date of issuance. The three year time period is consistent with other state operator certification / license renewal practices and helps assure that our certificants stay current with the knowledge applicable to their certifications.
The renewal fee is $225 (members of CA-NV AWWA or CWEA) or $275 (non-members).
24 continuing education credits must be earned during the term of the certification (between the start and good thru dates of the certification being renewed). A certificant holding multiple grade levels only needs to renew the most recently earned certification. A volunteer Administrator will review all continuing education credits for suitability against renewal requirements.
Download the AWTO® renewal form >
Renewal Steps
The Certification Board supports the ongoing professional development of its certificants. The mandatory renewal process provides certificants with the opportunity to demonstrate the retention, reinforcement, and expansion of their knowledge and skills. Renewal also provides encouragement to, and acknowledgement for, participation in ongoing professional development activities and continued learning. To support this purpose, the recertification requirements require continuing education and professional activities that enhance ongoing professional development, recognize learning opportunities, and provide a process for both attaining and recording professional development achievements.
Renewal contact hours may be fulfilled through Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from an accredited education service provider or through contact hours, as approved by the program Administrator.
For details please download and read the AWTO Candidate Handbook.